The quilt above on the left is made with Sandy Gervais new line. It is a little darker colorway and I love it. Fig Tree is gorgeous.
I couldn't stay away from this area. This is the new line from Cabbages and Roses as well as the next French General. I am dying for both of those lines. Also a new line called Circa 1934 from Cosmo Cricket. Very different - in a good way.
This is the next Collection for a Cause line - Comfort. I really want some of it. The Collection lines are always my favorites. My new pattern Beasley is made with the Collection- Faith and it sold out at Market.
Laundry Basket Quilts has a super new line too as does 3 Sisters. Rather than sound like a broken record I will just end it there.
I have new patterns, layer cake and some pieced patterns. I have posted some of them on the store and will get the others posted on Mon. I will try to do a blog post so you can get a good look at them.
Happy Quilting, Dawn
I loved so many of the new Moda lines as well! I did use great restraint, though at Sample Spree...there were so many to buy...it was hard to choose!